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Our Contract

Kitten/Cat Contract
Nicole Shambach/Shade Mtn Dolls
Phone: (570) 259-8919


This Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between Nicole Shambach Owner of Shade Mtn Dolls (“Seller”) and NAME__________________ (“Purchaser”). IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of $_____. (“Purchase Price”), Seller grants, conveys and transfers the following kitten (“Kitten”) to Purchaser.


Breed: Color:
Sex:                       Birth Date:
Sire:                                          TICA:
Dam:                                         TICA:
Microchip # _________________________

Purchaser has paid a non-refundable deposit of $500.00 to hold the kitten for the Purchaser. The deposit shall be applied towards the Purchase Price, which is due and payable on or before ______(date) or when the Kitten is collected, whichever is earlier. In the event the Seller is unable to sell Kitten to the Purchaser, for reasons including, but not limited to, the Kitten’s mortality, Seller have the option of refunding the deposit or replacing the Kitten with a kitten of similar quality (Seller’s choice). Seller shall have 12 months to provide a replacement kitten to the Purchaser. Purchase Price does NOT include the cost of shipping/transportation of the Kitten.

(1) Kitten shall be kept strictly indoors. Purchaser shall not allow Kitten to roam outside freely, unless Kitten is harnessed and leashed and accompanied by a responsible adult.

(2) Kitten is sold only as a pet and will be spayed/neutered before leaving. Kitten shall not be shown at a cat show without the prior written consent of the Seller.
(3) Kitten shall not be sold, leased, given away, abandoned to a shelter, pound, pet shop, research laboratory, humane organization, or any similar facility. If Purchaser is unable to care for the Kitten, Purchaser shall notify SHADE MTN DOLLS immediately. INITAL______
(4) Purchaser shall care for the Kitten with a proper diet, housing,
health and general care. Purchaser agrees to never declaw a SHADE MTN DOLLS CAT (this voids all health guarantees.). INITIAL_________
(5) Seller makes no guarantees as to the Kitten’s temperament. We pride ourselves on finding the best match for each Cat/Kitten and purchaser and socializing our kittens, but we cannot predict how the Kitten will act after it leaves the familiar environment of our cattery and its littermates. It is Purchaser’s responsibility to slowly transition Kitten into its new home. Purchaser acknowledges that some kittens may take longer than others to adjust to their new surroundings. Purchaser must notify Seller immediately if the kitten is not transitioning well into its new home (e.g. not using the litter box, has diarrhea) so that Seller is made aware of any issues. INITIAL______

If Purchaser has any health or behavior concerns about the Kitten, Purchaser must notify Seller of its concerns immediately. We cannot help you with these concerns if we are not aware of them. If more than 2 weeks have passed before Purchaser notifies Seller of these issues, Seller disclaims any
liability of responsibility for these issues. INITIAL_________

(6) Purchaser agrees that they will feed the Kitten the same food that Kitten was eating at the Seller's premises and any changes to the Kitten's diet will be done gradually. Any sudden changes to the Kitten's diet may result in diarrhea or upset stomach. INITIAL_________

(7). If you are going to put in a claim against the Health Guarantee
you must give access to ALL the Vet records with Nicole Shambach SHADE MTN DOLLS. No replacement kitten will be given without All vet recorders provided. INITIAL_______
(8) Seller shall provide the registration papers for the Kitten to the Purchaser at transfer.
(9) This sale is final and there are no cash refunds. INITIAL_________

Vaccinated FVRCP 2-3 times prior to leaving our Cattery.
Kitten negative for FELV/FIV
Vaccine Used See health record
Dewormed: See health record

Flea/Tick Preventative: See health record

Parents health tested negative for HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy) and PKD (Polycistic Kidney Disease) through UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory


Seller warrants that Kitten is sold in good health at the time Kitten leaves Seller's premises. Seller further warrants that Kitten has undergone a physical examination by Seller's veterinarian prior to Kitten leaving Seller and that Seller was not aware of any health issues (including, but not limited to,
upper respiratory infections, diarrhea) at the time Kitten leaves Seller's premises. However, the stress from the change in environment may cause Kitten to “break” with an infection, even though the Kitten showed no clinical signs of infection when it left Seller’s premises. This is why it is important for the Kitten to be checked within 72 hours of receipt. INITIAL_________

Unless otherwise agreed between the parties in writing, the Purchaser has 72 hours of receipt of the Kitten to have Kitten examined by Purchaser's veterinarian. Purchaser shall provide Seller with proof of the examination upon Seller’s request. Further, any questionable findings by the veterinarian shall immediately be reported, in writing (with verified microchip number), to the Seller. If the Kitten is found to be medically deficient with a terminal or life-threatening problem, Seller shall refund the Purchase Price in full or replace Kitten with another of like kind and quality (Seller’s choice), as soon as a replacement is available. All veterinary expenses are the responsibility of the Purchaser. Seller’s health guarantee shall be null and void if Kitten is


exposed to other animals within the first fourteen (14) days of Purchaser receiving the Kitten AND/OR if Kitten is not examined by Purchaser’s veterinarian within 72 hours. INITIAL_________

Kitten is guaranteed against hereditary disease for a period of twenty-four (24) months after the date of birth. If the Kitten dies due to a hereditary disease within these twenty-four (24) months, Seller shall refund the Purchase Price (minus vetting fees of $500) or replace Kitten with
another of like kind and quality (Seller’s choice), as soon as one is available. Purchaser must provide the veterinarian or specialist’s written report, confirming, in writing with a Necropsy (which must include microchip number) a diagnosed hereditary disease. Seller shall refund the Purchase Price (minus vetting fees of $500) to Purchaser or replace Kitten with another of like kind and quality (Seller’s choice). If you are going to put in a claim against the Health Guarantee you must give access to ALL the Vet records. INITIAL_________

Seller’s guarantee only covers the health of the Kitten. If Purchaser has a multi-cat / multi- pet household, and your other pets come down with health issues after Kitten is introduced, Seller, is not responsible for any veterinary expenses for your other feline(s) and pets, as we are not responsible for their health. Similarly, if Kitten comes down with health issue(s) after its
introduction to the multi-pet household, we will be responsible only if your vet certifies, in writing, that Kitten’s health issues are hereditary issues. It is Purchaser’s responsibility to ensure that existing felines are up to date on all vaccinations and have been regularly checked by your veterinarian prior to introducing them to Kitten. It is Purchaser’s responsibility to quarantine
Kitten for at least fourteen (14) days of receiving the Kitten, if Kitten is going to a multi-pet household. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Seller, in writing, this provision of isolating the Kitten for at least 14 days is a strict requirement and Purchaser will void all health guarantees under this contract if the Kitten is not isolated for at least 14 days. INITIAL_________

Purchaser agrees never to vaccinate more than one injection in the same
appointment. These MUST be done in separately to prevent interactions that could have deadly consequences. NITIAL_________

Seller warrants that Kitten was fully litterbox trained when Kitten left Seller's premises. However, the new surroundings may confuse the Kitten and may result in improper urination. Purchaser needs to ensure that Kitten knows where the new litter box is located, and Seller recommends that Purchaser use the same type of litter box and litter used at Seller's premises,
to avoid confusing the Kitten. INITIAL_________

This Agreement shall be final and binding upon the Purchaser and Seller and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Pennsylvania. Parties shall submit all their disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Pennsylvania.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered this Agreement on this day of _____________






Pet quality kittens $2200.00


​This includes:

  • Spay/Neuter


  • Age appropriate vaccines


  • Guaranteed negative of FeLV/FIV, as well as any internal or external parasites


  • 72 hour general health guarantee of any illness, diseases, etc.


  • 2 year genetic health guarantee


  • Completed kitten deworming series and parasite prevention


  • Parents DNA tested negative for HCM and  PKD


  • TICA and/or CFA registered


  • Kitten Care Package (health certificate, health records, food samples, security blanket and favorite toys)


  • Lifetime Support

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©2023 by Shade Mtn Dolls 

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